Friday, February 13, 2009

GIANT Pierogi [February 13th, 2009]

The diameter of this giant pierogi measures about about 10". The dough was made from scratch, then stuffed with delicious mashed potatoes made with fried onion and cheese. I recommend having at least 3 people on hand if attempting this project on your own, as transporting the 4 pound dumpling was no small task. But the end result was well worth it. The larger version was just, if not more, tasty than its traditional-sized relative. After frying each side of the dumpling we then topped with 2 onions and over 1/4 pound melted butter! We had no choice but to give this large and in charge pierogi 2 out of 2 thumbs up!

1 comment:

Historic Strawberry Mansion said...

hey... what's you and hilary's favorite grocery store?
